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link to C&C house published in ARCHITIZER
C&C are a young couple, living in rented accommodation and dreaming of owning their
own home .
The current economic situation and lack of credit support made their dream become
impossible because they can not afford to buy a home or a plot of land at the current
market prices.
Times of crisis = opportunity time. The parents of C have for years a second home which
they used in weekends and partially in the summer, built in a neighborhood on the
outskirts of Granada, fits the needs that C & C require for their home, offering them their
second house as a starting point.
C & C want a spacious house, lots of light, energy-efficiency and making the most of the
fabulous views that the plot has.
We propose a restructuring and expansion of the existing housing, renovating its facilities
and its enclosure and skin, completing a program that allows housing accommodate C &
C and the stays of C´s parents.
C outsources the chapters that require specialized intervention (demolition, structure and
facilities and collects a handful of friends to help them collaborate on weekends in
exchange for barbeques and good times .
C does not surrender and keeps asking for prices to get the best offers, renting
machinery and auxiliary equipment and gathering a group of friends to renew the house´s
The aim was to build a well insulated house to consume less energy, using high quality
energy materials on it and improving the isolation to reduce thermal looses.